The Full Story:   


UFO Historical   TIMELINE

1947 Roswell Crash

1952 MJ-12 was established.

1954 SOM1 – 1 printed

1952 to 1969 Project Bluebook

1969 to 1986 Allen Hynek left the Project Bluebook, He became a UFO believer.

1970 to 2019 Stanton Friedman MJ 12 a 4 year UFO MJ-12 Investigation 1st book on Roswell crash. MJ-12 confirmed by Eric Davis in the Wilson Memo released after the death of Apollo 14 Astronaut Edgar Mitchell, who had this memo in his office in 2016.

Mitchells death in 2016. The memo is on page.

1975 Bud Hopkins, UFO witness and interviewed Alien Abductees.

1990-2004 John E Mack, Harvard Professor, UFO great abductee interviews. Interviewed the children that saw aliens on the ground in Africa.

1975 Travis Walton accident. On board a UFO, then a mother ship with 2 other small UFOs. Contact with 5 Aliens, He was damaged by the UFO, they took him to fix him. They did and took him back -- returning to earth. 7 witnesses took a lie detector tests several times and all passed. Alan Dallas failed the first test, he thought they would blame Walton's death on him, he had a criminal record and was a rough caratore.




This  Accelerated Time-Line starts with Bob Lazar coming forward in 1989.

The government screwed up. They had stalled their scientific work on UFOs. No way to go forward. They saw the young innovative mind of Bob Lazar. They took a chance and lost.

Bob saw the obvious, the government had been keeping this stuff secret. They had 9 crafts, each one uniquely different from the others.

Bob felt threatened and came forward. The rest is history.

43 years later, his story remains the same . . . 

Bob Lazar met with Senator Reid early on, once his story broke. George Knapp arranged this meeting.


Senator Reid met with David Grusch before his death in 2021.

9 UFOs in the US Government's hands, area S4 near area 51 in Nevada 1989.

 Update:  Now the number of UFO Crafts: over 12 crafts confirmed, all different looking. In US Government hands. 12-20-2023

1989 George Knapp broke and followed up with the UFO report on Bob Lazar and many other UFO stories to our present date Dec.

Mr. Knapp is our generation’s leading honest UFO investigator-reporter. "The Russian UFO Report" as well. This “remote viewing” is very important somehow.

2007 Jeremy Corbell, the honest, new generation UFO investigator-reporter. Weaponized podcast updating UFO news. Releasing important UFO newsworthy stories. Jeremy is up to date with the “whistle blower” side of the story.

2007 Harry Reid The Push for AAWSAP UFO program in congress (22 million).

Senator Reid met with Bob Lazar, introduced by George Knapp in the early 1990s.

Senator Reid met with David Grusch in 2021 before his death on Dec. 28th. 2021 at 82 years of age. 


UFO Team 1     2002 to 2007

Astronaut John Glenn

Apollo 14 Astronaut Edgar Mitchell

Senator Daniel Inouye

Senator Ted Stevens

Senator Harry Reid the Democratic Majority Leader. 

Lead Scientist was Hal Puthoff who helped Senator Harry Reid and the others from the start. Dr. Eric Davis and Dr. Garry Nolan are all close friends, all from Stanford College. They could advise when needed back in 2007. Hal Puthoff has been the lead scientist for over 30 years. 

Harry Reid lobbied for funds, the 22 million allocated was for AAWSAP UFO Program run by Dr. Lacatski and Colm Kelleher that ran from 2008 to 2010.

Luis Elizondo was the head man of AATIP, he left in 2017, and joined To The Stars with Tom DeLonge. The 3 US Government UFO videos were then declassified and released Oct. 2017.

AAWSAP UFO Program and AATIP ran side by side.


UFO Team 2    2022 to 2024


2009 Tom DeLonge started working behind the scenes, and met with General William McCasland, then he started "To The Stars"  . . .


Tom DeLonge

Christopher Mellon

Lue Elizondo

Steve Justice

Dr. Hal Puthoff

Jim Semivan

UFO Team 3   2017 to present day 2024

The SOL Foundation 

Dr. Harold Puthoff

Professor Garry Nolan

David Grusch ( New in Nov. 2023 Hal Puthoff announces at SOL)

Professor Diana W. Pasulka

Dr. Eric Davis

Harvard's Dr. Avi Loeb

Admiral Timothy Gallaudet

Jeffery Kripal

News: George Knapp helped Dr. Lacatski with his book. Jeremy Corbell helping and watching behind the scenes, involved with the US congressional hearings and the whistle blowers on UFOs.  

All waiting for Gov. disclosure


Tom DeLonge forward looking UFO publications 

Tom co-authored two books with A.J. Hartley published in 2016 and 2017.

Tom worked with J.J. Abrams on his show "UFO" a 2 part series and Unidentified series 1 and 2.

Luis Elizondo was the head man, started AATIP in 2009 and he left in 2017, and joined UFO team 3.

Tic Tac UFO: David Flavor,  his wingman Lt. Cmdr. Alex Dietrich and Tom DeLonge were at the secret meeting the day before the US Government declassified the 3 UFO videos in 2017. 

Leslie Kean was at this meeting the day before the release in 2017. She broke the story the next day on the news, 3 UFO videos from the US Gov. 2017

2017 AATIP UFO Program released with 3 videos. This was Senator Reid's 22 million in funding for the AAWSAP UFO  Program.

2020 Professor Haim Eshed, the 30 year head of Israel Space Security Chief said the “UFO Galactic Federation” had signed a deal with the US.

Professor Eshed was the head of the Israeli Ministry of Defense satellite program. A bachelor’s degree in Electronics Engineering, and a Doctorate in Aeronautical Engineering.

2023 Dr Lacatski a retired US Defense Intelligence Agency rocket scientist, who worked on US missile systems for the Department of Defense for over 20 years. He ran the 2 year UFO program AAWSAP. Book Title:   Oct. 7th. 2023 date

Inside the US Government Covert UFO Program: Initial Revelations

Dr. Lacatski was Allowed to Announce the

“US has a UFO and has gotten inside”

Book was released on Oct. 7th. 2023. This book came out on the same day Israel was attacked by Hamas, the world hardly noticed. 

2023 David Grusch July 25th. testifies before Congress about crashed UFOs and Extraterrestrial Biological Entities recovered from crashed UFOs. 

In 2022 several "Whistle Blowers" were talked about.  Now 40 people on the inside of black UFO programs (SAP) were interviewed by David Grusch.

Dec. 2023 The 12 know whistle blowers have come forward to the IGIC.

  1. They have the Locations of Craft - Technical descriptions . . .

  2. Pictures of 12 craft, and their story. 

  3. Location of EBEs    Extraterrestrial Biological Entities.  Pictures of EBEs, different races ? A DVD of Aliens and a UFO landing shown to Congress in 2023 . . . .

  4. Material scientific gains by UFO technology.

Behind closed doors, testifying to the ICIG. The Office of the Inspector General of the Intelligence Community. (IGIC)

March 2023   Canada heard about the whistle blowers testifying before congress, and that could have been why they sent the "five eyes" letters this March 2023 . . . .

2022 AARO fails to release any info.

2023 Head of AARO publicly lies about David Gresch e-mail contact attempts.

2023 Senate meeting in the “Security Skiff” released NO info.

AARO Leadership changing in Nov.  2023. Leaving before the release of info . . .

Nov. 2023 SOL Foundation with Professor Garry Nolan's UFO waste material testing, and the Crashed UFO material tested. All Data was released from the Mass Spectrometer, testing down to the  molecular structure of the test materials.

Jan. 2024  The IGIC Meets with congress behind closed  doors. He does reveal some information that tells congress that David Grusch's claims are true . . . . Waiting next actions . . . . 



Below is a list of UFO investigators.


Stanton Friedman 

Allen Hynek

James E. McDonald

Bruce Macabee

Bob Oechsler

Bud Hopkins

John E. Mack

Leslie Kean

Lind Moulton Howe

George Knapp

Jeremy Corbell

Bob Lazar

Travis Walton

Tom Delonge