Apollo 14 Astronaut Edgar Mitchell had the Wilson-Davis Memo in his  personal effects, after his death, his office contents to turner over to a close friend. The documents came out later. Edgar Mitchell's proof of MJ 12 and the US UFO crash recovery program.


Below is an evaluation of this memo, written from the transcript, word for word. . . .


The Main Players in this Spy Novel

A UFO story that has happened over and over to other UFO AAWSAP programs seeking to get to the top, " Gate Keepers" UFO government employees hiding UFO Info . . . .


Below: Oke Shannon Retire Navy Nuclear Physicist 

Below: Dr. Eric Davis 

A sample of his scientific work . . .

Space Craft of  the Future . . .

Dr. Eric Davis and Hall Puthoff working together . . .





Wilson-Davis Memo

Admiral Wilson talked with Oke Shannon in fall of 99 Aug. end.

Talked two hours about Will Miller ca. June 97 and April 97 RE Leslie Kane Boston Globe story: MJ 12 organization “Cabal”, crash retrieval of UFOs and bodies.

Confirmed that Dr. Greer/ Miller /Mitchell gave a talk in Pentagon Conference Room. In Attendance: ADM. Hues Mike Crawford, General Pat Hughes (Hughes his boss) April 9th. 1997 Group Broke up and Wilson and  and Miller talked for two hours privately. Talked about UFOs MJ 12, Roswell, Crashed UFOs and alien bodies.

Admiral Wilson was intrigued. They knew about intelligence on US Military Intel on UFO close encounters – and foreign government encounters.

Wilson had “seen the records” and told Miller at this 2-hour meeting.

Admiral Wilson said Miller asked questions on MJ 12 UFO cabal – and crashed UFOs. Wilson said he called Miller ca. late June 97, told miller he was right – there is such an “organization” in existence.

Dr. Eric Davis was shown the Miller letter 4/5/2002 Admiral Wilson: please evaluate.

Wilson talked with OKE Shannon AP-10 group meeting at BDM. Miller has advice of were to look for reverse UFO tech. (RV)

Wilson talked to Oke Shannon for 10 minutes on RV program, Wilson said he knows something of the RV

Oke Shannon said Dr. Eric Davis is team player, would keep his  mouth shut, no media connections – obey all restrictions – not in the government, no clearance, but pedigree excellent -professional/personal references very excellent.

Oke Shannon had been in and out of the hospital with heart issues, no longer talks UFOs. Three years later he left the DIA July 2002, was replaced by Adm. Jacoby.

Wilson came to test site special area to wrap up projects he began in 98. Did tour, audit, say goodbye to folks.

Leslie Kane comes up again, Wilson told Dr. Eric Davis, that Miller told Greer their conversation, who else knows of his UFO interests. Miller talked to Edgar Mitchell who told Eric Davis in 1999.

Wilson said then Miller talks to Leslie Kean and the Boston Globe 1997 article came out, it mentioned Admiral Wilson. Wilson got calls from all over. And was furious. Calls that were sarcastic, stupid jokes, stupid comments, comments of surprise that he was talking to nutty ufo groups etc.

Co-workers ( flag officers) of admiral Wilson in the Pentagon, lower staff members, civilian SES people, people in the intel community Admiral Wilson worked with. He got calls about the Kean article and didn’t like it.

Wilson said I’m taking a risk with Eric Davis, but Oke Shannon’s word on Eric Davis that he can be trusted was good enough for Admiral Wilson.

Admiral Wilson told Dr. Davis if you bow my trust, I will deny meeting you. Deny everything, I said, and won’t meet with any more people without a security clearance.

Admiral Wilson had suggestions from General M. Ward, to look at the record files in OUSDAT (Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition and Technology.

Bill Perry said the same in May 97.

The special projects records group a special subset of unacknowledged / carve-outs / waived programs that were covered up by conventional SAP programs.  Perry organized the regular SAP programs in 1994.

Admiral Wilson goes on to talk about OUSAT director Paul Kaminski of special programs that was reorganized by Perry in 94. Michael Kostelnik a Brigadier General is director of SAPCO  (Special Access Program Coordination Office. Brigadier General Michael  Kostelnik was also executive secretary to SAPOC (Special Access Program Committee as director.

Kostelnik is also a member of the Senior Review Group.

Admiral Wilson was the Deputy Director DIA, Assistant Joint Chief Of Staff J2 at the time. His boss was Deputy Director of the DIA, General Patrick Hughes

Admiral Wilson found the unusual records group – read the index abstracts. He found no budgets, but found 2 to 3 times the Program Budget, at times 6 to 7 times core budget, absurdly high, Perry said he wanted an investigation on that budget cost and was told to drop it. He wouldn’t say, but Judith Daly: Assistant Deputy Under Secretary of Defense for Advanced Development OUSDAT. The budgets were accumulative and not annual budgets and could be over 2 to 5 years for SAP budget.

Admiral Wilson found a defense contractor, “the best of them”

Intelligence in their corporate portfolio too, He made several calls to Paul, Mike, and Perry to confirm he had  the right contractor and program manager to talk to, they did. YES !

By the end of May 1997 Wilson Had Made three calls to the Program Manager – one of them on a conference call with the security Director and corporate attorney. They were confused of why he was looking for them and what Wilson wanted from them and what he wanted to know about.

They were agitated from Wilson call, surprised.

Admiral Wilson told them he read their program record in the OUSDAT special Program groups records group and wanted to know about their crashed UFO Program, what their role inthat was, what they had. He also aske about MJ 12 or some organization code relating to crashed / recovered UFO Craft.

He told them who he talked to, they weren’t happy. 3 programs he contacted had nothing he wanted. 4 Programs referred him to the present threesome.

He had reached the top.

Because they were part of “it” in different compartments, placed in different layers of the compartments pyramid, split up to do different things or part of it.

He told them he wanted a formal briefing, tour, etc. He used his regulatory authority as Deputy Director DIA / Assistant Joint Chief of Staff J2. He told them his not being briefed was an oversight they needed to correct it he demanded.

They called 2 days later, said they did not want to talk by phone, and arranged a face to face meeting at their facility.

10 days later in mid June flew out there. He met in their conference room in a secure vault, three of them showed up, same people on the phone. Security Director NSA-Retired, a CI expert. A program director,  A corporate attorney.

They called themselves “The Watch Committee” or “Gate Keepers”.

They were formed out of necessity because they were nearly outed in the past by audit investigation in the past led to “them” the gate keepers.

They would not let Admiral Wilson in, and wanted to know who he talked to at the Pentagon or elsewhere. Phone, Fax, E-mail, they were concerned about new exposure, and that’s why they invited Admiral Wilson to the meeting.

They showed him a bigot list, to convince him he was not qualified to be read in. They argued he had no oversight.

Who  was on that bigot list: No President, no congress, did not recognize any military personal on the list. No Whitehouse names. None from Clinton or Bush Sr. administration. A handful of Pentagon Individuals Wilson recognized a few from OUSDAT. One from the NSC who Pentagon SES employee is.

Then The Threats Came . . . . The DIA Director promotion, The loss of early retirement, and the loss of a few stars along the way . . .

Admiral Wilson retired in 2002 with honors.




Below the threats to Wilson . . .

This road block stopped Dr. Jim Lacatski's AAWSAP UFO team when they reached the top in 2009. . .