Above: Plasma Bubble below this UFO . . .

Nazca Peru     Home of the Aliens . . .

Cahuachi Temple was their place of worship in Nazca . . . The Capitol of Peru, Cusco was 1500 years older, when the Nazca Area was settled and the people lived with the Aliens. 

The Full Documents  . . .  Free UFO Info Page


Home Page: UFO Info   Free Page for all . . .

President Truman's UFO Letter, General Vining's UFO Memo, 1954 SOM1 booklet, MJ 12 Documents, The Admiral Wilson - Davis UFO Memo from US Apollo Astronaut Edgar Mitchell's office,  Five Eyes Canadian Letter March 2023, Dr. Lacatski UFO released Info, The CIA Reading Room, Mars Base ?


"What Is "IT" . . . Dr. Garry Nolan considers UFOs . . .

I wish I knew; I have talked to people on the inside and there is very little agreement to what "It” is . . .

What ever “It” is, it’s so far advanced from us that it beggars our understanding. That “it” is beyond our full comprehension.

They seem to affect our culture overall "over time" with their interactions in general.  . . . 

It's much,  much more complicated than we think . . . .

We are often left with more questions than the data left from an encounter with “them” . . .

It is not Human . . . .   

It is intelligent and acts in an intelligent manner.

There is a uniform pattern to the UFO stories, they match each other in noticeable similarity over the years of time. 

This intelligence even has a sense of humor in some cases when relating to “us”. 

It's been here a long time:  over 1000s of years . . . . longer than we have been civilized . . . They in were in Europe flying around in the 1200s . . . 

Earth's civilized history starts approximately with the Sumerians about 7000 years ago. Bob Lazar read documents at S4 indicating a crash 20,000 years old, from an ancient dig . . .


Bob Lazar said he saw a Triangle UFO, the Sport Model he worked on, a Jell-O Mold shaped UFO, and the typical Saucer shaped UFO. He saw nine UFOs; Bob mentioned these shapes in later interviews. 

2023 Dec. US has 12 UFOs at various locations. David Grusch and the IGIC have this information.  40 inside employees of Black UFO programs have come forward. Most of them have given testimony by the end of 2023 . . .

There is a story that a UFO crashed somewhere around the world and is was so large, they had to build a large structure around it to hide and study it . . . .

There is another story of a crashed UFO off earth . . .The Moon or Mars or where?


Ross Coulthart Interview: The UFO Program . . .



The Complete UFO Story: World wide Government Cover Up . . .


2025 is here . . .

Earth Files:   Best Combo UFO ancient history show.





Finland UFO turns low across the frozen lake 3-13-22

For Brian and Barb   Nov. 2024

A UFO buzzes a frozen lake at night . . .



Cuzco the Capitol had "Shamans" their High Priests. 

The Temple of the Sun was built in a plaza called Huacapata in the heart of Cusco.

The building contained six rectangular chapels dedicated to each of the celestial gods in the Inca Religion: Sun, Moon, Stars, Thunder and Wiracocha.

Built in 1200 AD under the order of Inca Wiracocha.

  • Early Horizon: 1400 BCE–200 BCE    1500 years before Nazca.

  • Chavín: 1000 BCE–500 BCE

  • Early Intermediate: 200 BCE–400 CE

  • Nazca: 100 BCE–700 CE

  • Moche: 100 BCE–800 CE

Temple of the Sun was the religious center of the empire and was reserved for the Sapa Inca, his immediate family, priests and the chosen women to worship. Although it was meant to be a center for pilgrimage, the general public was not allowed to go inside.


Life in the Nasca culture was filled with rituals and celebrations associated with the fertility of the land and the cult of the dead.

The Nasca society lived on the south coast of Peru, which is a desert region. They needed to improve the fertility of their land, and to this end they developed great knowledge regarding water sources, both in the form of surface water from the rains which fell in the highlands and subterranean supplies. It was also important for them to understand the behavior of animals and the lifecycles of plants.

The Nasca made pilgrimages to their main temples at Cahuachi, where they danced and played instruments such as panpipes and drums. Their roads and ceremonial spaces were inserted into the landscape in the form of the famous Nazca Lines.

In these ceremonies, they used very fine ceramic vessels to hold beverages, foods and other substances, possibly of a hallucinogenic nature, which were used by their shamans. The people dressed themselves in colorful textiles and bright ornaments. They carried woven and feather standards.



What would they look like . . .


Crash Site In New Mexico Mexico

Google Earth:  34 24 21.83 N 107 05 35  W 

Orbs are a common sighting . . .

Look Up . . .

Commonality of UFOs . . . .

The conclusion of the scientific community is:

Multiple bottom Lines:

1. Aliens from an Unknown Origin are flying around our planet.

2. There is the possibility that interdimensional beings can visit Earth.

3. Time travelers from the far into the future are visiting and watching. They are not from our Galaxy or Erath.

Another Galaxy far away . . .

4. The “Alien Interactions with the human race” is ongoing and has been going on since “People” were put on this planet some 7000 years ago.

5. There is evidence to support the fact that “saucer Ships have crashed on Earth 20 thousand years ago, So they were here first.

6. Many advance planets are invested in the Erath and it’s life. All life. 12 major planets from far away. But Erath is close to “them”. Humans are not the only biological game going on here.

7. The Alien Presence that is here, has it’s own timeline, and they have the final say.

8. The power supply may have "nuclear elements" that are not available to us on earth. Therefore, we cannot copy the power supply.