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President Truman's UFO Letter, General Vining's UFO Memo, 1954 SOM1 booklet, MJ 12 Documents, The Admiral Wilson - Davis UFO Memo from US Apollo Astronaut Edgar Mitchell's office,  Five Eyes Canadian Letter March 2023, Dr. Lacatski UFO released Info, The CIA Reading Room, Mars Base ?


"What Is "IT" . . . Dr. Garry Nolan considers UFOs . . .

I wish I knew; I have talked to people on the inside and there is very little agreement to what "It” is . . .

What ever “It” is, it’s so far advanced from us that it beggars our understanding. That “it” is beyond our full comprehension.

They seem to affect our culture overall "over time" with their interactions in general.  . . . 

It's much,  much more complicated than we think . . . .

We are often left with more questions than the data left from an encounter with “them” . . .


It is not Human . . . .   

It is intelligent and acts in an intelligent manner.

There is a uniform pattern to the UFO stories, they match each other in noticeable similarity over the years of time. 

This intelligence even has a sense of humor in some cases when relating to “us”. 

It's been here a long time:  over 1000s of years . . . . longer than we have been civilized . . . They in were in Europe flying around in the 1200s . . . 


Earth's civilized history starts approximately with the Sumerians about 7000 years ago. Bob Lazar read documents at S4 indicating a crash 20,000 years old, from an ancient dig . . .


Bob Lazar said he saw a Triangle UFO, the Sport Model he worked on, a Jello Mold shaped UFO, and the typical Saucer shaped UFO. He saw nine UFOs; Bob mentioned these shapes in later interviews. 

2023 Dec. US has 12 UFOs at various locations. David Grusch and the IGIC have this information.  40 inside employees of Black UFO programs have come forward. Most of them have given testimony by the end of 2023 . . .




There is a story that a UFO crashed somewhere around the world and is was so large, they had to build a large structure around it to hide and study it . . . .

There is another story of a crashed UFO off earth . . .The Moon or Mars or where?


Crash Site In New Mexico Mexico

Google Earth:  34 24 21.83 N 107 05 35  W 


Commonality of UFOs . . . .

The Current Condensed UFO story up to date.

The story starts with UFO team 1 founded as far back as 1998 to 2007 Senator Harry Reid met Bob Lazar back in the early 1990s, Introduced by George Knapp. Bob Lazar reported 9 craft in US possession.

A group formed: Edgar Mitchell, John Glenn, Senator Daniel Inouye, Senator Ted Stevens, Senator Harry Reid the Democratic Majority Leader. They all worked to get the funding of 22 million for the AAWSAP UFO Program that ran from 2008 to 2010. AATIP was a parallel program for army intelligence.

The Lead Scientist for all three UFO teams is Dr. Hal Puthoff who helped Senator Harry Reid and the others from the start. Dr. Eric Davis and Dr. Garry Nolan are all close friends, all from Stanford University. They could advise when needed back in 2007.

Dr. Hal Puthoff has been the lead scientist for over 40 years, he started back in 1990s. Lasar and Energy Devices starting in 1959.

Dr. Hal Puthoff backs David Grusch and Grusch is on the UFO team 3 now. David Grusch met with senator Harry Reid before he passed away in Dec of 2021.

When Edgar Mitchell passed way in 2016, his office belongings were given to a close friend of his.

The Admiral Willson - Dr. Eric Davis Memo was an important document.

Admiral Wilson was looking into the UFO story. He found out the MJ 12 UFO program was real and a powerful Kabal was controlling the craft locations and other black SAP programs with “Alien Bodies”.

The further he looked into UFOs, the people at the top stopped him. “They” eventually threatened him with the loss of a STAR, the Reduction in your Navy Pension and loss of his Top Secret Clearance.

It was a “roadblock”. The AAWSAP UFO program ran into this same “road block” they were not let all the way in. But the recent efforts have shown a light on the “people at the top” of these black SAP UFO programs. 

By Dec. of 2023  12 Whistle blowers have gone into the IGIC and testified, and they have the locations of the “Craft and Alien Bodies”. David Grusch has publicly testified and is backed by many important people with clout.

UFO team 2 (2017 to present day 2024):

Tom DeLonge, Christopher Mellon, Lue Elizondo, Steve Justice, Dr. Hal Puthoff, Jim Semivan. Very productive of getting the word out.

UFO Team 3  SOL Foundation (2022 to present date 2024), Dr. Harold Puthoff, Professor Garry Nolan, David Grusch, Professor Diana W. Pasulka, Dr. Eric Davis, Harvard's Dr. Avi Loeb, Admiral Timothy Gallaudet, Jeffery Kripal, Dr. Peter Skafish, Dr. Colm Kelleher, Dr. Lacatski, Jonathan Berte. 

Dr. Puthoff mentions George Knapp, George had helped Dr. Lacatski with his book. Jeremy Corbell told the story with him. George Knapp also introduced Bob Lazar to Senator Harry Reid.

In July of 2023 David Grusch testified before congress that there was a reverse engineer UFO programs with several crashed UFOs and recovered bio-logics  “aliens” of “unknow origin”. The new term.

David Grusch interviewed 40 people from within these black UFO programs: Special Access Program (SAP).

Now March 2023 the US is waiting for the election cycle to pass by 8 months and things will be set for the UFO Bill the go forward and start the release.


Dr. Lacatski is a Key Figure in present day.

Oct 7th, 2023

Dr. Lacatski was  allowed to announce:

“The US has a UFO and has gotten inside”

His Gov. vetted statement approved from the DOD and the DIA by their review process.

He was not allowed  to talk about the “Aliens or bodies of Aliens.” 

In July of 2023 all were eagerly awaiting the UFO Shumer Bill. Dr. Garry Nolan stepped forward and laid the groundwork for UFO disclosure. Others spoke out in anticipation for the Shurmer UFO Bill.

In Nov. of 2023 the Republicans blocked part of the UFO Bill, and some parts made it through. The new AARO  program is not trusted and the leadership has now changed.

March 2024 Now David Grush is part of UFO Team 3. The SOL Foundation put on a UFO Scientific Convention in Nov. of 2023. Now March 2024 all waiting for the election cycle to pass. 8 months now.

The conclusion of the scientific community is:

Multiple bottom Lines:

1. Aliens from an Unknown Origin are flying around our planet.

2. There is the possibility that interdimensional beings can visit Earth.

3. Time travelers from the far into the future are visiting and watching. They are not from our Galaxy or Erath.

4. The “Alein Interactions with the human race” is ongoing and has been going on since “People” were put on this planet some 7000 years ago.

5. There is evidence to support the fact that “saucer Ships have crashed on Earth 20 thousand years ago, So they were here first.

6. Many advance planets are invested in the Erath and it’s life. All life. 12 major planets from far away. But Erath is close to “them”. Humans are  not the only biological game going on here.

7. The Alein Prescence that is here, has it’s own timeline, and they have the final say.

8. The power supply may have "neclear elements" that are not available to us on earth. Therefore, we cannot copy the power supply.



Below: Cape Disappointment on the Washington Coast.

One Night Visit of ORBs at dusk . . .